Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Second day in Okinawa

We are all feeling much better after a great night of sleep! I woke up before everyone else, so I had about an hour of alone time to spend on the Internet etc. Christina picked us up at 8:00 and took me to the housing meeting at Kadena Air force  Base and Mitch and the kids to the Exchange there. I didn't get a lot of information about housing except that it will probably take at least 2 weeks to move into a house. I am really hoping that we can get moved in before Mitch leaves on August 6th. We won't have our furniture or things, but they have furniture we can borrow until ours arrives. 

The exchange on Kadena Air force base is VERY nice, everything on Air force bases is nice!!  I was surprised at all the choices they had, basically a two story Target! I am sure there will be things I can't get here in Okinawa, but should be able to find a suitable substitute. We ran a few more errands including stopping by the dental clinic at the Naval Hospital on Camp Lester. It was good to see CAPT Clifford and meet the wonderful people I will be working with. 
Afterwards we went to a local place for lunch, no idea of the name, but you place money in a vending machine, choose what you want to eat and it prints tickets that you hand to the chief. Very cool!

 Yummy! We will be back!


  1. Nicole-I love the blog and all the photos. So glad Mitch is with you guys for a few weeks. Take care!

  2. Thanks! It is wonderful to have Mitch here to help, just hope he gets orders here for next summer!
