Thursday, July 12, 2012

Live Free or Die

 One year ago we lost a hero, son, brother, friend, and so much more.  I could write about Jeremy for days, but instead I will share some of my favorite photos.
 This was taken moments before the battle for Husaybah erupted in 2004. It is Jeremy and some of his men from Force Recon, I believe. They were hunting IED planters at night. Love the NH Licence plate - which says it all. RIP, JG.
— with John Kelley.
 "April 10, 2003- They day after Baghdad fell to the Marines. This was taken on a patrol of the city when I rode with Jeremy and his boys in Weapons Co, 3/7 for the day. This was an armory somewhere in the city. RIP, JG."Andrew Cutraro

" I took this just before the battle of Husaybah in April 2004. This is Jeremy laughing the moment we ran into each other for the first time in almost a year. RIP, JG": Andrew Cutraro
 Norway July 2011

 Base Jumping in Norway 2011
Jeremy on the lake with his nephews, sporting the "Taliban beard"
 Jeremy with his parents Jim and Darlene
Jeremy, always the thoughtful man, would bring flowers to greet family and friends.
 Jeremy with his sister Jennifer and her two sons on Jeremy's bike
 Jeremy, Mitch and Ben at PB beach
 Jeremy, Pat, Ben, and Mitch
 Mitch and Jeremy at Lake Winnipesaukee
 Same place, a few years later :)
 Jeremy, Mitch, Ben, PC, and Pat at Jeremy's grandparents farm in PA
 Ben, Pat, Jeremy, and Mitch
 Jeremy swinging me at my wedding in Newport, Rhode Island October 9, 2004

 Jeremy waiting to go to the OR so I could repair his jaw fracture, Christmas Eve 2010
 Film showing his new hardware
Jeremy visiting our home in Point Loma, CA November 2010. 
 He actually met Cooper and Mackenzie when they were 2 months old, he stayed on our couch a night or two, November 2009. I remember coming out of the nursery and hearing him snoring on the couch, he was so quiet coming into the house, the dogs didn't even bark!
 Jeremy, Mackenzie, and Jim enjoying a light snack on our patio in Point Loma, CA

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it's been a year already. I remember hearing the news just as I was getting ready to hop on a plane to head out to visit you. Wonderful pictures Nicole.
