Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hot Afternoon Fun

After naps this afternoon we found the playground and had a little fun. It is HOT and HUMID here, my mom said it will get me accustomed to the south again :)  So hot and humid it fogged my camera!

 Cooling himself off :)


  1. Aww! They look so cute... We miss them so much... On Monday I found myself with out a helper of the day :(
    Thank you for giving us the opportunity of being part of copper and Mackenzie's life.. You have wonderful children and you guys are wonderful parents.
    I hope they don't forget us, because we will never forget them.

  2. Yoanna, thank you again for being an amazing teacher to Cooper and Mackenzie. You guys will always be their first teachers!!! I am sure Mackenzie will tell her new teachers how Ms Yoanna does it :)
