Sunday, July 29, 2012

Eisenberg Mobile

 Yeah, I officially own a new car in Japan and it isn't a box or a minivan!  I was pleasantly surprised to find a car similar to what I was driving before and like it :)  There are some differences and it is an older car, 1999, but no car payment for three years! Yippee!
The seller had it listed for $6000 but Mitch was able to talk him down to $5,500. He paid him $500 the day we test drove it and then I had to get the $5,000 in cash out of an ATM. See prior post!  Selling a car and getting it registered here isn't the easiest thing to do, but Mitch and Jerry (seller) had it all figured out. After signing many pieces of paper and paying Jerry the $5,000 the car is mine! It was a good thing we talked him down $500 because I had to pay $470 today for car insurance here and $50 for the service fee to buy the car!  All worth it to OWN A CAR!  
(I did know the price range cars were selling here, so I knew to have the extra money before coming.)

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