Sunday, July 15, 2012

San Diego Send Off

We left the house on Coronado with the Hazlett and Flick family following. We had bags in each of the three SUV's. As the rain slowly fell on the car windows, small tears sprung from my eyes. My time in San Diego was actually over and I was leaving two of the most incredible women I've ever met. What an amazing opportunity to get to know them and their sweet kids, who I love like my family! Deployments will do that, bond you to people for life! We had 11 checked bags and 6 carry-on bags! Moving across the world is not easy. I do have photos of all this luggage but by the time we got to the Hilton Hawaiian Village last night, I was too tired to post on the blog. I woke up before the twins this mornings I could get it posted on the blog but my laptop has decided to stop working!!! Terrible timing but at least we are still in the US and not in Japan yet!! Mitch is currently at the Apple store trying to get it repaired. We arrived in Hawaii at 5:00 pm and spent about an hour getting our luggage and transporting it to a storage facility. I splurged and got us a suite on the 17th floor of the Hilton Hawaiian Village because they didn't have slot of room options when I booked and I think we will be living in tight quarters once we get to Japan. The suite is beautiful with breathtaking views and lots of room. Will post photos when my computer is working again. Everyone slept great last night, we needed it after the long day of travel yesterday. we were at the pool right when it opened at 8:00am and spent the morning splashing and swimming in the pool and ocean! Cooper and Mackenzie have always loved the water, just as Mitch and I do. I look forward to getting them swim lesions in Okinawa and joining a swim team. I think they have finally fallen asleep for their naps this afternoon. I hope to be back on my laptop later for another post!

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