Sunday, July 29, 2012

Jamaican Restaurant

 Mitch found this place on the website and decided we should try it. Why not have Jamaican food while in Japan?????  Cooper fell asleep in the car while we were looking for parking and Mitch hasn't been this happy in weeks! His sweet boy, asleep on his shoulder, while he eats his favorite food.  Life is GOOD! 
 To make things even better........Mackenzie joins in the snuggle time :)
 Photo of the bar and kitchen area. Are we really in Japan?????
 Mackenzie having a temper tantrum or "melt down" on the floor of the restaurant because I wouldn't let her hold my camera. Nope, my kids aren't angels!
 She was happier once we had a talk and decided to be a good girl. She loves these juicies! Cooper slept for about an hour on his daddy and got a little hot.
 Hippo enjoying some of Cooper's juice while he was sleeping.
 Mitch is SO happy, sleepy boy and Red Stripe beer.
 I ordered a frozen banana drink.......NO idea why it was green but it tasted FANTASTIC!  Love Mitch and Cooper in the background.
 So happy to have his food! My curry shrimp dish was delicious! Definitely getting it again :)
Photo of the jerk chicken that was very spicy and good.
 Jerk pork which was good but not as good as the chicken. We also got fried chicken that was yummy!
 Both kiddos awake and eating. Twins?

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