Saturday, July 28, 2012

Paying for my new SUV!

Yes, this is what it looks like, I am counting out cash on my bed in the Westpac Lodge! I found a Toyota Harrier, which is the equivalent of the Lexus small SUV here from a family moving back to the US.  It is smaller than my former Volvo SUV and a lot like the BMW X3 I used to have (photos will be posted tomorrow when I pick it up.)  The family selling it wanted cash instead of a check because they leave next weekend to move back to the US. So.........I had to call USAA, my bank, and ask for an ATM increase. Not so easy when we are 12 hours ahead and it is the weekend, so we woke up at 1am last night and called USAA to speak to the representative and authorize the ATM increase. This afternoon, I walked up to the friendly ATM machine in front of the Westpac Lodge and withdrew $5,000. It wouldn't let me take out more than $500 at a time and it would only dispense $20 bills! Mackenzie came up to "help" me and I lost count of how many times I had withdrawn money because of her spectacular help! This is me counting out the money to make sure I had $5,000. To make it easier for me and Jerry (seller of my new car) I separated the money into $500 and used Mackenzie's colored hair bands to bind it together! Fun times here :)  At least I won't have a car payment for the next three years! Yeah!

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