Friday, July 13, 2012

Last Day at Balboa Child Care Center

 Cooper and Mackenzie were VERY loved by their teachers Ms. Yoanna, Ms. Nida, and Ms Isabel at school.  Ms Isabel was with them since the very beginning in their Goldfish classroom when they started the Balboa Hospital Child Development Center in April 2010 and followed them to their toddler classroom Sea Turtles when they turned two. She has a VERY special place in our hearts :) 
 Cooper is sad to leave Ms Yoanna
 Mackenzie giving Ms Yoanna a big hug goodbye
 Cooper and Ms. Nida, she LOVES Cooper!!! 
They sent them home today we adorable art work and photos as well as a signed copy of their favorite book; Pepi!  What an amazing group of women, I so so thankful to have such sweet and caring people care for my babies!

1 comment:

  1. That was so special! I hope and pray that you are as fortunate with future day care programs.
