Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween Dress Up Day At School

 It was Halloween Dress up day at Cooper and Mackenzie's school on Friday, and I was there to watch and take photos. ADORABLE!!!!  So much fun to see all the kids dressed up and having fun. Cooper has been all about Batman for the last few weeks, so I wasn't surprised when he chose to be Batman, but I was surprised when Mackenzie chose to be Cinderella, until I got to school.......her two close friends were also dressed as Cinderella! Big hugs from both of them when I came into their classroom before their school parade.
 Mackenzie was telling he class that she is dressed as Cinderella
 This is Cooper's friend, Delane who plays Super Heroes with Cooper at school.
 Another one of Cooper's friends, but forgot his name. Cute costume as Buzz Lightyear
 The princesses sitting nicely in school.
 Trying to get a group photo of the class

 School Parade led by the infants. They were ADORABLE and love the wagons they ride around in!

 This costume cracks me up and I have since learned it is an owl!
 Lots of family photos
 Dakota is the son of Jennifer (OBGYN) and Thad (Ophthamologist) that I work with at the hospital.
 I love that he is holding the parrot by the neck!!! 
 More hugs from my Batman
 Hannah and Mackenzie as beautiful Cinderellas
 I am LOVING this age! They are so sweet and so much fun, wish I didn't have to work so much.

Cheering at Emily's Soccer Game

Friday, October 26, 2012

Making the Cookie Dough

 We are using my favorite recipe to make cookie dough so that we can make Halloween cookies! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Birthday Gifts from SuSu

 SuSu, who is my mother mailed their box of birthday gifts over a month ago! She has been so worried that it was lost in the mail, but it finally arrived on Monday!  Mackenzie is diligently studying the card to see if it has an "M" on it for her name. They have been learning their letters at school recently.
 SuSu even wrapped Mackenzie's gift with hippo paper, which she loved!
 She took a few minutes to study the back of the box and point out the doll that she has and which ones she doesn't have yet! 
 Cooper is very excited to have a new Francesco car that talks! So cool, he even got to sleep in Cooper's bed Monday night.
 Mackenzie checking out the new dress up clothes for her baby doll. Perfect outfit for Okinawa of a rain jacket and boots!
 (I love her profile in this photo)
 The Mermaids and Tangled toys are for both of them. The Mermaids had a great time in the bubble bath that night.
 This set is perfect for them because it has Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder, as well as Maximus the horse. Yes, I know all their names, we read lots of books in this house :)
 Thanks SuSu we love our new gifts!

Silly Monday at School

 This week at school they have a different theme. The DOD (Department of Defense) schools can't celebrate any holidays, like Halloween so they have to get creative.
Monday was silly day, so we got a little silly and Cooper wore his pj top to school and his silly Nemo socks. Mackenzie did a little mix and match of clothing and we put her socks on top of her pants. I would say we did her hair silly, but it actually looks really cute!!  Yes, she is standing next to one of our dehumidifiers, a necessity here in humid Okinawa.