Sunday, August 26, 2012

TCCOR 1E meaning we are in the middle of the Typhoon

 The twins are asleep and I am updating family, friends, Facebook, and the blog that we are now in TCCOR 1-E conditions. That means that the winds are 50 knots or greater and no going outside. The eye of the storm is now passing through Kadena where we live. Getting loud as the wind and rain hit the house. I am so thankful to live in an area built for these conditions and around great people willing and able to help.  Below is a photo from somewhere out in town of a trampoline in a power line! This was before the wind of 50 knots! 
 In the photo above, you can kind of see how the winds are blowing the small tree. Nothing like the winds now at TCCOR 1E, but it is dark and can't get photos.
We entertained ourselves today but watching movies and snacking. Cooper and Mackenzie stayed in their jammies all day :)  Cooper has his cheeks full of grapes.
 Mackenzie actually sat and watched some of the movies, probably because she didn't nap this afternoon!

 Then the shirts came off and it was wrestle time! Just a little hug and kiss for big brother.
 View from the backside of our house this afternoon.
Good thing we aren't by the coast!

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