Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cooking Chicken Chili for Dinner

 I actually went to the Commissary(grocery store) last Sunday and bought the ingredients for chicken chili. It is one of my favorite, ok really it is one of the only things I cook :)  I gave Cooper and Mackenzie some popcorn and brought the DVD player into the kitchen for them to watch while I attempted to cook the chili. They are not the best at leaving me alone while I am trying to cook! 
 They did come over multiple times to view what was going into the pot, onions, shallots, and yellow pepper. Mackenzie also helping me with some of the clean up.
 Dinner is served. These are one of the many sets of dishes I own, very busy blue English countryside Wedgewood dishes.  I love dishes and kitchen stuff, just don't like to cook!  Mitch took our basic white set of dishes with him to D.C.  We literally split our kitchen stuff in half for this year a part.
 Mackenzie has always been a "good eater" she will try new things and eats a variety of foods. She wasn't a huge fan, but did try a couple of bites.
 Cooper is my challenging eater. I have even been called by his teachers at school because he won't eat much. I am thinking of taking him to see the pediatrician here so that he can get different food options at school.  I think he is like me and has texture issues with food.  He seemed to like the broth part of the chili tonight. Might try again tomorrow with some bread for dipping :) 

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