Thursday, August 16, 2012

Frustrations of living on Okinawa

I hate that I have not been able to post daily on this blog. There is so much I would love to share, but just don't have the time or energy right now.
I am being pulled in multiple directions throughout the day at work and with the kids at night. I was hoping to go for a run tonight, had the babysitter Maddie over here at 7:00, but Cooper and Mackenzie weren't having it. I know they are tired and emotional with all the change too, so I just couldn't leave them tonight to go for a run.  I am going to try again on Saturday night once they go to bed.
Just one of the MANY frustrations living here on Okinawa is finding the time to exercise. I have not acclimated to the heat and humidity here, so running outdoors will have to be at 5:00am or 8:00pm.  I would love to go to the gym during the day, but not possible right now at work.
Just a glimpse into a couple of the frustrations at work: My cell phone bill. I finally registered and logged in and it is in Japanese. There is a way to change it to English, but again frustrating.
 I was handed this packet of paperwork to complete ASAP yesterday. I was told it is my "ticket for me an my family off the island if something bad happens." Just added more anxiety to living here alone with Cooper and Mackenzie.  I did complete it today, just in case. 
I also received an email today that my Household goods are in route and should be here next Tuesday! However, they needed to know if I was in Okinawa or Yokosuka Japan. WHAT!  I emailed back as fast as my fingers could type, I am here in Okinawa, don't send it to Yokosuka!  I am very excited that our "stuff" is almost here!!!  Yipee! Now I just have to figure out when they can deliver it and try and coordinate it with getting the borrowed furniture out of here. I am guessing this isn't easy and will probably have a day or two of sleeping on the floor.  Ah, the joys of living in Okinawa.
More to come. Must get some sleep.

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