Friday, August 17, 2012

Remembering What Matters: Family

 I look forward to the day when we are all together again as a family. I HATE being torn apart by 1,000's of miles. I HATE that the stress of it all makes us short with each other, but we are in this for better or for worse and we've seen A LOT of the worst!  It WILL make us stronger and cherish our time together.
 Cooper and Mackenzie turn 3 in just a few weeks, and I am already learning that raising TWO 3 year old's is going to be TOUGH! Don't they look like angels here in these photos? This is how I need to remember them when they are challenging me. My precious miracles that I fought so hard for....... you are my LOVE.

1 comment:

  1. They are a blessing! Ive seen many twins in my time at the center, Cooper and Mackenzie have been the best ones. I know how hard it can be to be apart, but you are a very strong women , mother and wife. It breaks my heart to know that dad is gone, and how it affects the kids. I hope everything works out.
    We miss you all sooooo much.
    Give them lots of hugs from us.
